Time for Change Survey and Report

15 Of the 1167 people who completed the survey, the majority were female and aged 36 and over, and most lived in urban/metropolitan areas in VIC, NSW, or QLD. Around half identified as a family member of someone who uses drugs and/or as a person who uses or has used drugs. Close to two-thirds worked or volunteered in fields related to health, policy, and community services. We found a number of statistically significant relationships between demographic characteristics (see th e Supplementary Materials for all significant findings). ● People from NSW and South Australia were less likely to be under 36, while more Victorians were under 36, and more female-identifying people lived in Queensland. Those from urban/metropolitan areas were more likely to be younger or from Victoria or South Australia and less likely to be female-identifying or living in Queensland. There were more young people from rural areas, with more older respondents (aged 36+) and female-identifying people living in regional areas. ● People who either had lived/living experience of drug use or who identified as a friend of someone who uses drugs were significantly more likely to be younger, gender diverse, and living in Victoria. People with lived/living experience were also less likely to be female-identifying or a NSW resident, while friends of people who use drugs were less likely to live in South Australia. More family members were Queenslanders and less were Victorian, male-identifying, and under the age of 36. More students and young people were gender diverse, while more professionals were aged 55 and under. Lastly, significantly less young people were female-identifying, while more identified as gender diverse.