Time for Change Survey and Report

30 People also commented further on their views on different models of regulation and their benefits: “All current illicit drugs should be available and dispensed through pharmacies, and taxed similarly to alcohol and cigarettes” “I think safe supply is an underrepresented topic within harm reduction. If drugs of dependence were available under the PBS, where people could get a script from their doctor and pick up controlled and regulated dose from the chemist, the transformative potential would be enormous. People would have more money, stability, and capacity to connect with themselves and others, and would be expose to less potential for harm. Criminal networks in the illicit trade would be nearly made redundant all together. People would have more engagement with services and opportunity to learn about the drugs they take. The demand for prisons would drop by 60% overnight. It is the natural conclusion to the argument for pill testing, and it has the potential to fundamentally change society forever.”