Time for Change Survey and Report

7 A key theme of the report is the role of stigma and discrimination in shaping the experiences of people who use drugs, their families, and those working in harm reduction and other AOD services. Many respondents reported that punitive policies contribute to social exclusion, criminalisation, and barriers to accessing critical health and support services. This reinforces the importance of policy reform efforts that prioritise the dignity and rights of all individuals affected by drug laws and policies. The 2024 Drug Policy Survey findings are similar to those from the previous surveys conducted by FDS, HRA, and SSDP Australi a. 5 Support for drug checking among family members (86%), professionals (93%) and young people (94%) in this study was similar to the current analysis (94%, 96%, and 97%, respectively). Support for drug consumption rooms was also similar among family members (83% versus 85%) and professionals (94% versus 92%) in the previous surveys compared to the current report. We also see consistently high support from family members (79% vs 89%) and professionals (94% vs 93%) for naloxone as a harm reduction measure from the 2021/2022 surveys to the present report. By integrating these insights with existing research and policy recommendations, this report serves as a crucial resource for policymakers, advocates, and service providers working to create a more just, effective, and humane drug policy landscape in Australia. The recommendations put forward reflect not only strong public support but also international best practices in reducing drug-related harms while promoting health and social equity. We strongly affirm that solutions, not stigma, should guide drug policy reform to ensure justice and dignity for all. 5 Span C, Stronach O & Farah B (2024) ‘Families professionals and young people: three national surveys exploring attitudes towards drug policy reform,’ Family Drug Support, Harm Reduction Australia, Students for Sensible Drug Policy Australia. Available here.